
Thursday, June 27, 2013

Package Two: You are my Sunshine!

So, I've seen several ADORABLE sunshine package ideas online. But, again, Ben doesn't eat junk food, so I had to be a little more creative. In this package:

-Two yellow ties, personalized with stitching on the back
-Lemon Wet Wipes
-PacMan Bandaids
-Rubber ducky
-Yellow silly string
-Yellow Bouncy ball
-Yellow Chapstick
-Yellow Highlighters
-Yellow Frisbee
-Yellow loofa

I bought some really adorable scrapbook paper at Hobby Lobby and decorated it a ton. I included a nice long letter and some other small crafts I had made, as well as copies of the pictures we took together right before he left. :)

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Ben's Senior Pictures

Ok, so before Ben left, we took some senior pictures in Austin. He just graduated from UT (with a 4.0 I might add). His uncle took them and let me jump in them for a few pictures. I love them. And I look at them way too much haha I love my cute Elder.
Ben is a terrible picture taker. I had to tickle him in between shots and make stupid faces alot haha.

I love this one because I know he's looking at me. Look at that smile.

Personal favorite.

I have an adorable boyfriend. 

Monday, June 17, 2013

Why I Wait

If you had told me a year ago that I would be "waiting" for a missionary, I would have called you crazy and laughed at you. Seriously. A year ago, there is no way I would be doing what I'm doing- waiting two years for some boy I've only dated 5 months while he's 5000 miles away and I only get an email once a week. And even when I say it now, I think I sound crazy. My brain tells me that I'm insane for doing this. A year ago, though, I wasn't ready for this. I wasn't ready to meet Ben. I wasn't ready to fall head over heels for a boy who was going to leave for 104 weeks. But, as certain events transpired in my life, I saw the Lord preparing me for something greater... and when I met Ben, I knew almost immediately that he was what Heavenly Father had been preparing me for. He makes me better everyday without telling me that I should be different than who I am. He loves me, and makes sure that I know it even with him gone. He has taught me more about love in the last 5 months than I'd ever known. With him by my side, the Plan of Salvation makes alot more sense. I see the eternities with him by my side. There is no one in the entire world that I would rather face life challenges with then him. And I honestly believe that after being with him, I could never be truly happy with anyone else.

So, when people ask me why I wait, its hard for me to put all that into words, especially to people who don't share my beliefs. I get the people who tell me I'm crazy for doing this when I'm only 18 years old. I get the people that pretend to be happy for me when I can tell that they think I'll only last a couple of weeks. But, here it is:
I wait because I refuse to deny what Heavenly Father has revealed to me as His plan.
I wait because Ben is my best friend.
I wait because we were made for each other, and nothing and no one will ever change that.
I wait because, for me, there is no other choice. I know I'm going to spend forever with him, and these 2 years are just a step in that process.
I wait because I love Benjamin Matthew Reynolds with everything that I have, and I always will.

Two years in the span of eternity really isn't that long.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Week One Email

I got my fist email! Since I'm updating his blog, I got a personal one and the general one. I love that boy. He sounds so happy. I also found out that he'll be home at least a month early, so YAY! He flys to Chile on Monday. :)

Package One!

First package is made and sent! Since he leaves for Chile on Monday, I sent his "greenie" package. I had alot of fun making it. Ben doesnt eat candy or any kind of junk food, so I had to buy other things to send. I hope he likes it!

Friday, June 7, 2013


Following the MG trend, I made this. Chile is one lucky country.

New Cuddle Buddy

Ok, so Ben and I made this the week before he went in. YAY for Build-A-Bear. I ordered the outfit online. It even came with a tiny Book of Mormon! How cute. We put a recording device in each hand so I can hear his voice when I need it....and I've needed it alot this week. I love that boy so much.

Tiny Books!!!

Another FANTASTIC Prinstagram product. I ordered a set of these so that Ben could have something small he could carry with him all the time. I wrote little notes in it and kept one for myself. I love them. They're adorable.

Ben Shrine

Ok, first project since he left. I wanted a place where I could put a bunch of cute pictures of him, the notes he had written me plus the mission countdown chart. So, I went out to Hobby Lobby and bought the biggest cork board they had. I also bought the cute fabric to cover it, so it wouldn't be that gross cork board color. Combine the 2, and 200 silver tacks to secure the fabric later, and here we have it! I call it my Ben shrine. If you're wondering where I got the adorable little pictures, its a fantastic site called Prinstagram that prints a bunch of great products using your instagram pictures. Another post on a great product from them to follow. Anyhow, super fun project that kept me busy--which is what I need for the next 728 days.