
Monday, June 17, 2013

Why I Wait

If you had told me a year ago that I would be "waiting" for a missionary, I would have called you crazy and laughed at you. Seriously. A year ago, there is no way I would be doing what I'm doing- waiting two years for some boy I've only dated 5 months while he's 5000 miles away and I only get an email once a week. And even when I say it now, I think I sound crazy. My brain tells me that I'm insane for doing this. A year ago, though, I wasn't ready for this. I wasn't ready to meet Ben. I wasn't ready to fall head over heels for a boy who was going to leave for 104 weeks. But, as certain events transpired in my life, I saw the Lord preparing me for something greater... and when I met Ben, I knew almost immediately that he was what Heavenly Father had been preparing me for. He makes me better everyday without telling me that I should be different than who I am. He loves me, and makes sure that I know it even with him gone. He has taught me more about love in the last 5 months than I'd ever known. With him by my side, the Plan of Salvation makes alot more sense. I see the eternities with him by my side. There is no one in the entire world that I would rather face life challenges with then him. And I honestly believe that after being with him, I could never be truly happy with anyone else.

So, when people ask me why I wait, its hard for me to put all that into words, especially to people who don't share my beliefs. I get the people who tell me I'm crazy for doing this when I'm only 18 years old. I get the people that pretend to be happy for me when I can tell that they think I'll only last a couple of weeks. But, here it is:
I wait because I refuse to deny what Heavenly Father has revealed to me as His plan.
I wait because Ben is my best friend.
I wait because we were made for each other, and nothing and no one will ever change that.
I wait because, for me, there is no other choice. I know I'm going to spend forever with him, and these 2 years are just a step in that process.
I wait because I love Benjamin Matthew Reynolds with everything that I have, and I always will.

Two years in the span of eternity really isn't that long.

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